chcsbfamily housing
Mission Statement
Santa Barbara Community Housing Corporation (SBCHC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing safe and affordable housing, including special needs housing for under-served individuals, in our region. In addition to providing stable housing, it is our goal to enhance each tenant’s self-respect, personal motivation and future independence.

There is a critical and growing shortage of affordable housing for low and moderate-income families throughout the nation. This crisis is particularly severe in Santa Barbara County, where exorbitant home prices and skyrocketing rents are driving housing costs out of financial reach for many. We are faced with the grim reality that people of modest income are being displaced out of our neighborhoods with the resulting disintegration of the social fabric so vital to the health of our community. Dealing with today's housing crisis will require fresh and innovative solutions involving active cooperation between public and private sectors at every level. SBCHC is working diligently to achieve these cooperative solutions.


santa barbara arrordable housing
Santa Barbara Community Housing Corporation |  11 East Haley Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 | 805.963.9644